And now for something completely different

I thought we could take a break from the rumors and arguments about managers and executives for a bit. We have not written much on this blog about either because it’s just not an interesting topic and you can only speculate so much before it gets boring and it got boring about a day after Kenny left. I was trying to come up with something positive to write about and I noticed these amazing drawings that kept popping up on my Twitter feed. I decided to find out more about them as well as the artist. Her name is Syikin. She is a young lady from Singapore with a passion for drawing and football who specializes in portraits. A short interview with her follows along with links to her work. 

How did you become a fan of LFC?

To be honest, I can’t remember how I became a fan and what exactly sparked me to support the club. When I was younger, I never really spoke to friends about football. Neither do I have anyone close to me who was a football fanatic. Well my father is an LFC fan, but he hardly spoke to me about football.

I just happened to hear about Steven Gerrard one day, and started reading about him and the club. And then I started reading about the history of the club and watch their games, and I guess that’s what made me a fan, and I am glad I supported them through and through till today.

What’s your favorite LFC moment?

I know this may sound really typical, but of course, it has to be that historical Liverpool win over AC Milan in Istanbul! It was just pure magical. I’m sure that game will be an indelible memory that will stay with every Red forever.

Who’s your favorite player in the current squad?

It has always been our Captain Fantastic, Stevie G. He is such a respectable, inspirational lad and a great asset to the team. Very multi-talented, very influential and can always fire up the team whenever needed. He is born to be a leader. Without him, the team just doesn’t feel complete!

Tell us about your art.

I am very passionate towards traditional art – mainly drawing, colouring and painting. My favourite mediums are pencils, charcoals and crayons.

I love realistic portrait drawings using pencils. I enjoy drawing faces of celebrities or my idols, which is evident through the previous artworks that I have done. Whenever I draw, I will try my best to pay attention to every detail in my photo reference. No doubt, since I am a huge LFC fan, most of my drawings are of the players!

I actually have my own mini LFC gallery in my own room, and this definitely serves as motivation for me to draw more and add to the collection of drawings that I already have:

How long have you been drawing?

I started drawing realistic portraits in 2009, after I finished my secondary school. The first portrait that I tried drawing was a picture of our Captain Fantastic, Stevie G, followed by Xabi Alonso.

Although these drawings aren’t at all perfect due to the lack of details, I am still trying my best to improve and capture every detail and get the right texture for the drawing in every piece that I do.

I do not take drawing classes; instead I am still learning how to draw through self-practice as well as reading online tutorials and library books.

How long does a typical drawing take you?

I actually need quite a long time just to complete a piece of drawing. I only draw whenever I have the mood or whenever I have some free time.

I spend approximately 3-4 hours per day to draw, and I probably need about five days to complete just one piece of drawing. On the average, I believe I need roughly 15 hours to get one done!

Which of the pictures you’ve produced is your favorite?

This is tough. Honestly I got to say it has to be the Glen Johnson drawing.

I felt that this drawing really challenged my ability to draw every single detail out. I remembered scrutinising the photo reference, especially when I was trying to draw Glen’s braids and facial hair. Overall, I am really satisfied with this drawing. Really hope Glen could sign on it someday to complete the picture!

Where can we view your work and keep up with you?

I post my artworks on this website:, and I will start to post (WIPs) work-in-progress of my drawings on there too! Appreciate if you could have a look!

Anything else we should know about you?

Sometimes, I do take in requests for commissions as well. If you have any requests, feel free to contact me via the form on my website. Hope you enjoy my work and I will try my best to improve and create more pieces. Cheers! You’ll Never Walk Alone.

Be sure to check out more of Syikin’s artwork on her site. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.