Don’t Care About Fulham? You’re Not Alone.
Building form and confidence ahead of a trip to Wembley is always important, but bear with me while I take a moment to devalue that notion. A 3-0 rollicking at Carrow Road was more than enough to set the hearts of millions of Liverpool fans a flutter. The players you expect to be on the pitch come kick-off on Saturday were on the pitch for kick-off last Saturday. Risking them for any less than brief cameo appearances in a meaningless match against the London team that no one is interested in makes about as much sense as the FA making the England squad fly halfway across Europe in the middle of a packed Premier League fixture list. That is to say, it ain’t happening kiddo.
Sure, a little vengeance for the 1-0 reversal at Craven Cottage in December would be fine by me. Making those mouthy Cottagers who rained down bile on Luis Suarez to the point of indecency would give me a warm, tingly feeling inside. The slight mental boost it might give us to lay that ghost to rest wouldn’t be too bad at all. Boosting our league position is always a sound bit of business as well; especially after Everton beat the stuffing out of the Lilly Whites on the weekend by a 4-0 scoreline. Still, it hardly matters.
Suggestions that the former England International has no role left to play at Anfield are rubbish to say the least. The experience earned over his years in the trenches will be invaluable to players such as Coates who will be looking to make his mark in the Premier League over the coming years and pairing the two of them can teach the Uruguayan faster than one would expect. Like, you know, when the youngster has to chase down the players that lose Carragher at will or score phenomenal overhead scissor kicks out of absolute thin air. Anyways…
Ok, so maybe I have a slight interest in Fulham. I can’t help it. Seeing how this one plays out will pale in comparison to the events just waiting to unfold on Saturday, but it can’t all be glitz and glamour, right? You have to labour through the matches with Norwich and Fulham before you can enjoy laying Chelsea to rest. Let’s consider this one an appetizer before the main course…
Bitter Fulham fan who happened to read this? Sorry about your luck. Might want to try a Fulham blog if you want to hear about how you’re a likable band of underdogs.
I actually think that Carragher had a good game against Norwich – a much improved performance on his recent ones. But I do agree that if we start him as opposed to the Skrtel-Agger partnership in the Cup Final then the manager has made a big mistake.
Out of the current team, if we are looking for ways and positions to improve the side, I would not change the back 4 and goalkeeper for any other in the league. I would not swap Skrtel-Agger for any other CB partnership in the league. Our problems are further forward.
A bitter Fulham fan retorts:
I say Steven old chap, that’s all a bit harsh. Fulham have consistently punched above their weight and 10 years in the Premiership tells its own story. And who in England wasn’t a bit of a Fulham fan for a day during the Europa Cup final 2 years ago? Fulham fans generally have modest expectations, hence my prediction that even Liverpool reserves will beat us tomorrow. But we will give you a decent game and the little kick-about, as you call it, means a lot to us, win or lose. I hope you beat Cheslea of course and wish you all the best on Saturday.
thanks for popping in Andrew…
figured at least one Fulham supporter would make their views known.
to be quite honest, never had a problem with Fulham and i was admittedly one of those fans for a day during the Europa League final 2 years back ….
rewatched the match from December over the weekend and listening to the stadium spend more time abusing a player than supporting their own team put me a in a bit of a tizzy….that and fucking Clint Dempsey.
either way, your prediction of a loss tomorrow could be well off the mark…
Thanks for your kind reply. I apologise for the stupid minority who abused Suarez. It happens in every ground, it’s an aspect of football I hate, but to be fair, Fulham fans are generally a polite and appreciative lot. I have been bringing my kids to the club since they were small enough to lift over the turnstiles and I can only recall a couple of instances when things got a bit unpleasant. Demspey eh? I would give a lot to have him stay at the Cottage next season. All the best for the remainder.
I want to see sterling and suso get games. i would be absolutely gutted to see them leave in the summer